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    Sunday, April 11, 2010


    Ok I had the most bizarre dream ever. (no, zheru, it's not another Indian dream) it was about me and this pair of siblings, and we went out on a photohoot or something and then the thing was, technology was so advnced that we do not use cameras anymore but we depend on luck to have like the nicest photo imprinted on our bodies. And like the sister was a damn pretty person and the brother was mad hot (ok fine, he looked like Kevin) and then I had the nicest photo of dunno what a lavendar field on me and the sister saw it and suggested playing this stupid game which made me fall down and she accidentally stepped on the nice photo on me and had a fucking huge blue black on it which totally ruined it. And then the brother, being totally nice and hot and everything helped me up and carried me to my room (I had somehow developed a limp too) and then we started talking then dunno how he started suspecting that his sister did it deliberately and hahahha I don't remember oh yah wait he went to confront his sis and made her apologize and then ME AND HIM GOT MARRIED. ok fine this is not really that bizarre but it's nice finally to have a dream where I have like fucking good endings to my love life. It's gonna bug me like the dream of me and the paikia Jon and me and Alonso planting cabbages (don't ask).

    'What's that thing called when a guy is gay for a girl?'


    Today Kevin came(: he looked cuter than ever. And Celine Foo AGREES THT HE IS HANDSOMEYAY!!!

    Happy birthday simin(: I'm not gonna bother typing out your full name here. Heeeheeheehh! 

    Simin: Oh I can play the song -insert random song name-
    -starts playing-
    No lah actually till chorus only lah
    Ok only one verse


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